
Friday, January 21, 2022

4 ways to make a house with beautiful shade!

Benefits of planting shaded trees at home

Living in a tropical country is not easy for everyone. When relaxing at home, the heat can be unpleasant. The atmosphere is dry. The most appropriate solution is to plant a shaded tree in your yard.

Shaded trees are characterized by long, leafy twigs and are thought to have many benefits for making homes and the environment more beautiful. So how does shade work to make your home beautiful? Now, take a look at the answer from Kania below!

Shade trees can reduce the hot sun

Sunlight shining through green leavespinterest.com

Shade trees have a lot of fresh leaves and are taller than the roof of the house. Therefore, shaded trees can reduce or block the sun, making home and garden areas more shaded. Still, the house is not dark and dark, as sunlight can illuminate the house through the gaps between the leaves.

Beautiful house thanks to the oxygen supply from the shaded trees

A long lounge chair under a large, shaded treepixabay.com

Trees and humans are creatures that need each other. Shade trees absorb carbon dioxide and process it into oxygen. Humans, on the other hand, need oxygen to breathe and exhale carbon dioxide. The presence of shaded trees makes the house more beautiful and fresher. Home dwellers do not have to worry about lack of oxygen or fresh air.

Shade trees are also effective in preventing pollution

Shade in front of the housefuf.net

Did you know that not only can you create a beautiful atmosphere, but shade can also free your home from air pollution? Lots of shaded leaves can keep street dust out of the house. Not only dust, but also noise pollution can be dampened by shaded leaves. The benefits of this are felt by homeowners by the side of the traffic road.

The wind still blows through the shaded leaves

A large shaded tree in the yard of a housethewallstreetjournal.com

What about the wind if the leaves of the shaded trees can get rid of the pollution? Comfortably, the wind can still blow through the gaps in the leaves. Therefore, the area of ​​the house still feels cool. The sound of the leaves swaying in the wind also creates a calm atmosphere and enhances the beauty of the house.

Bonus: Tips for planting shade trees

Large shade in the gardenrealtor.com

Now, after understanding how a shaded tree can make a beautiful house, are you interested in planting it? Here are some tips you need to know before planting a shaded tree. Yes, listen to the following!

1. Pay attention to the homepage area

When planting shaded trees, first pay attention to the homepage area. Adjust the size of the shade tree with the area of ​​the home page. A small garden with large shade trees only darkens the house. You also need to work diligently on cutting the leaves and branches. Therefore, if you have a small house garden, choose a shade with a thin trunk.

2. Choose a shade tree with strong roots

Don't just think about the large number of leaves. Instead, choose a shaded tree with strong roots, such as a tamarind tree. Therefore, in the event of a storm, shaded trees will not easily fall over.

3. Plant a shaded tree away from the terrace

If you want to plant shade at home, do not plant near the balcony. Shade trees generally have roots that are easy to grow. When planted near the terrace, the roots of the tree can damage the patio floor. Not only that, the branches hit the gutters faster, so dry leaves can clog them.

Bonus: Various shade trees for your home

Shady green treesTropical.theferns.info

For those who are still confused about the type of tree, Kania offers some recommendations for shade trees that can be planted in your home. Now, take a look below!

1. Kelsen tree

The leaves of the cherry blossoms are so lush that they are perfect for shaded trees in the house. The branches are supple, so they won't break even when blown by strong winds.

2. Gorgeous tree

There are also gorgeous trees with strong trunks. This shaded tree features large red flowers. Besides making your home beautiful, this gorgeous tree will make your home look beautiful.

3. Mango tree

If you like farming, try planting mango trees. In addition to having lush foliage, you can harvest mangoes yourself. But make sure you plant and take care of them properly, yes!

4. Ketapan Kenkana Tree

For small gardens, just plant a Ketapankenkana tree. The torso is thin, but very durable. The foliage is lush and the branches are tiered, making it very suitable as a shaded tree in a small garden.

Planting shaded trees in the garden not only helps to create beautiful homes, but also helps reduce global warming. Find tips and tricks on plant care with Decorma! In addition to planting shade trees, there are also ways to care for taro. Feel the benefits of happy planting and shade!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/94079/pohon-rindang-membuat-rumah-asri

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