
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Not only is it beautiful, but there are seven benefits of sunflowers you don

Various benefits and uses of sunflowers for you1>

Who doesn't know about sunflowers? Cania should have seen this beautiful bright yellow plant directly or only through photographs and photographs. The beauty of sunflowers is loved by many people, from children to adults, including those who don't even like gardening.

But did you know that behind its beauty, this flower, which always faces the sun, has a myriad of unexpected benefits? Now, take a look at Kania's review of the benefits of sunflowers below!

Sunflowers to prevent diabetes

Someone tests diabetes with a nurse using a special devicenews.yale.edu

Apart from its attractive flowers, sunflowers are famous for their edible seeds or well known as Kuaci. Sunflower seeds contain chlorogenic acid, which helps lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, sunflower seeds are very suitable for consumption by diabetics.

Sunflower seeds can be taken directly or mixed with other foods. When you eat watermelon with foods that contain carbohydrates such as bread, the sunflower seed content works quickly and reduces these carbohydrate compounds in your body.

Sunflowers can reduce the risk of heart disease

A person in the shape of a heart as a symbol of a healthy heartgowinglife.com

The benefits of sunflower come from seeds and can reduce the risk of heart disease. This is because it contains magnesium, which helps lower blood pressure. In addition, there are linoleic acid compounds that can prevent stenosis of blood vessels and lower cholesterol.

Sunflowers can keep your skin healthy

Woman smiles with her faceherworld.com

Sunflower seeds also produce as beneficial oils as the seeds themselves. Sunflower oil contains vitamin E, which is rich in antioxidants, and is very effective in protecting the skin from free radicals that can cause damage to skin cells and premature aging.

Apart from that, sunflower oil can also make the skin more moisturized. Thanks to these benefits, it's no wonder that many facial care products use sunflower oil as a base ingredient. Regular use of products containing sunflower oil will definitely soften and nourish the skin on the face.

Sunflowers help relieve skin irritation

A woman was scratching her inflamed armfldscc.com

Sunflower oil contains not only vitamin E, but also vitamins A, C, D, linoleic acid or unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce skin inflammation. The content of sun oil works by providing a protective layer to prevent the skin from becoming infected with bacteria.

Sunflower Hair Health Benefits

Woman with long and healthy hairmarthastewart.com

Is your hair missing? You can use sunflower oil to fix this. Vitamin B6 in sunflower seed oil increases the absorption of zinc in the body, allowing more oxygen to enter the scalp and reduce hair loss.

There is also content Gamma linolenic acid You can treat damaged hair. Keep in mind that Vitamin E also stimulates hair growth to make it thicker and healthier.

Sunflowers to decorate your home garden

House with sunflower gardenpinterest.com

In addition to seeds and oils, sunflowers can also be used to decorate the flowers themselves, that is, gardens and homepages. Yes, the distinctive yellowish and distinctive large flower shape looks very attractive.

You can plant sunflowers in your garden to make the front of your house brighter and more attractive. Once all the sunflowers you have planted have grown, you can take celebrity-style photos around them.

Sunflower fertilizer plant

Someone is sprinkling sunflower fertilizerbiosoilsolutions.com.au

It is undeniable that the lifespan of all living things, not just sunflowers, is limited. Eventually, the sunflower will die and dry. But you don't have to grieve, you know, because dried sunflower can still serve as a fertilizer to fertilize other plants! This is because sunflowers are high in potassium and can cause plant growth.It's really cool

These are the seven benefits of sunflowers, from health to home decor. If you want to plant sunflowers, buy good quality seeds so that they don't hinder their growth. Start planting sunflowers at home and feel all the benefits!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/111703/manfaat-bunga-matahari

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