
Friday, January 28, 2022

When is the right time to have a dream home?

Everyone certainly wants to make their dream home a reality. However, the dream house is not easy to own in a blink of an eye. Aside from the difficulty of finding a home with the ideal specifications, the price of a dream home is not cheap either. It's no wonder that buying or building a dream home requires very careful consideration.

Dream househgtv.com

Even if you feel like you've found the right dream home budget That's enough, but it's not always the best time to realize your dream home. Instead of regretting later, listen to the end of the review on considerations for owning a dream home and find the best time to have your dream home!

One of the first factors to make sure it's the right time to have a dream home is to look at your financial position. What do you need to pay attention to to ensure that your financial position is ready to have a dream home?

1. Achieve 20% of dream house price

Pay for the dream housepexels.com

For millennials, having a dream home can be achieved through installments or a credit program. However, if you can't afford to pay a down payment of at least 20% of the total amount of your dream home, don't take out your dream mortgage.

Many mortgage providers now offer down payments starting at 5%, but don't keep up. A small down payment means that you have to pay a large installment. Of course, this is very burdensome. So if you can't afford to pay a 20% down payment at Dream House, you need to save even harder for Dream House.

2. Monthly income is sufficient not only for installments but also for saving money.

Dream house of savings pinterest.com

After paying the down payment, now your duty is to pay your dream home in installments. It's common sense that you certainly have to have a monthly income that is greater than the value you have to pay for your dream home installments. But big is not enough!

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Of course, you also need your monthly income for your daily needs. After deducting the cost of installments for your dream home, make sure your income still meets your daily needs and saves some of it. If you already have a monthly income that can meet these three needs, it means you are ready to start paying in installments for your dream home.

3. Still associated with other installments or accounts payable

Dream mortgagetechnode.com

When you decide to set up your dream home in installments, it's the same as borrowing money from a bank Developer Credit facility provider. Of course, it will be difficult if you have other debts that have not been paid or repaid in installments.In addition, this is a bank or Developer In deciding whether you deserve credit.

If you feel safe because you have Assets Non-cash, you try to check first Liquidity From Assets ..Because not all Assets Because you can instantly cash it into cash Assets When you have a dream house installment problem, you may not always be able to save you in this way. Whether it's a luxurious style home or a minimalist home.

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These are the ones you need to pay attention to financially before deciding to have a dream home. If you can't accomplish one aspect of it, maybe now isn't the right time to have your dream home.

4. Market conditions and living environment

Dream home environmentpexels.com

A house is one of the properties worth investing in. The reason for buying a dream home is not a form of investment, but it does not mean that market analysis can be underestimated. Good market analysis can not only determine the right time to build your dream home, but also avoid property losses and make a profit.

So what do you need to pay attention to about market conditions before you build your dream home?

5. Sale conditions for properties in this area

Dream House For Sale


Before deciding to buy a dream home in an area, it's a good idea to look at the terms and conditions for buying or selling that home or a home around it. If a home has been selling for more than 6 months and isn't selling well, the price of the home may be low.

This is in contrast to areas where real estate is selling very quickly and has many enthusiasts. This area will certainly continue to raise prices. Forcing a dream home in the area means that you are willing to pay more for a home that may have the same value as another cheaper home.

If you insist on having a dream home in the area, wait until the prices in the area are more stable to ensure you get the best price.

6. Installment interest

Dreamhouse installmentspinterest.com

The amount of interest paid in installments is also affected by the value of the real estate investment. Each region may have different installment interest rates. Therefore, it is advisable to collect some comparisons in advance so that you do not buy a dream house where the interest in installments is too high.

7. Maybe it's still time to rent?

Dreamhouse for rentinfonitas.com

Other than checking the selling price, knowing the rental price of your dream home is nothing wrong. Having a dream home is inevitable, which means there is an additional monthly fee.

If your rent is much more profitable, we recommend that you defer buying and renting your dream home while saving money until your financial position and market make it easier to own your dream home. I will.

See your big plan

Dream house planpexels.com

Everyone needs to have their own big long-term plan. And as time goes on and things progress, these plans can change or be delayed. For some people, having a dream home is part of a big plan.

To do so, always evaluate the plans you have by knowing if having a dream home is still in line with your big plans. If not, you may need to focus on other priorities. Of course, having a dream home with good lighting, beautiful decorations and a special dining room is a long-term endeavor. So I hope your dream home will support your big plans.

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This big plan includes your current job and career. You have a good monthly income job, but is this job long enough to guarantee long-term income to pay off your dream home installments?

Dream housepexels.com

After knowing that you need to pay attention, you can now try to analyze, predict and calculate to determine the right time to have your dream home. Instead of rushing, consider all the considerations carefully so that you don't run into problems later or be forced to lose your dream home.

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Moreover, the price of your dream home is not the only cost you have to offer to realize your dream home, you know. You still need to consider the maintenance costs and taxes of your dream home. Needless to say, to make this home a dream home, you need to fill it with a variety of your favorite furniture.

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/29799/waktu-tepat-memiliki-rumah-impian

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