
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Pay attention to the corona and understand the difference between N95 mask and surgical mask

Differences between N95 masks and surgical masks you should know

Outbreak of corona disease (COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) It becomes a serious problem all over the world. The demand for masks without taps in Indonesia is very high and is considered to be effective in preventing the spread of the virus. On the other hand, the types of masks that the general public is very much looking for include surgical masks and N95 masks.

But which mask is the most effective way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus? In this article, Kania will thoroughly review the differences between N95 masks and surgical masks to prevent them from being used incorrectly. See the review below for details!

Use of N95 mask

Green n95 mask2minutemedicine.com

The N95 mask has the ability to filter up to 95% of air particles in both large and small sizes, helping to protect yourself from a variety of bacteria, viruses, or toxins that can cause respiratory tract infections. It is a target. This N95 mask can also be used for cleaning homes and in the event of a wildfire.

Also, the N95 mask can be used up to 5 times, so the quality is good. Therefore, this N95 mask is ideal for use to provide additional protection against the risk of transmission of the disease.

Disadvantages of N95 mask

3 N95 masksGoogle COM

Ideally, it should be used, but it should be remembered that the N95 mask also has some drawbacks. The disadvantage of this N95 mask is that it is not easy to use and you will find it inconvenient when you are in a hurry. In addition, the N95 mask is not suitable for use by children. If you have chronic lung or cardiovascular disease, do not use an N95 mask as dust particles on the mask can interfere with breathing.

Use of surgical mask

5 surgical masks in blue, white and green colors


In addition to the N95 mask, you can also wear a surgical mask that is sold at a low price Prevent the spread of coronavirus.. This single mask is generally green or blue and its thin shape makes it easy to use on a daily basis.

If you currently have a illness such as the flu or cough, you should use a surgical mask as it helps prevent the spread of the illness caused by droplets of body fluids such as saliva, mucus from the nose, sputum, and sweat. ..

Disadvantages of surgical mask

Men wearing surgical masks and head coversfineartamerica.com

Unlike the N95 mask, the use of this surgical mask is believed to be less effective in protecting against inhaled viruses and bacteria. Not only that, the surgical mask can only be used once. If the mask begins to get damp or wet, it should be immediately thrown away and replaced with a new one.

Alternatives to other types of masks

The very high demand makes it very difficult to find the presence of N95 masks and surgical masks on the market, and many sellers sell N95 masks and surgical masks at very high prices. However, in addition to using the above two masks, there are several alternative types of masks that can be used:

Mask P95

Image of white P95 mask as a comparison with N95 maskgoogle.com

Unlike the N95 mask type, this P95 mask is commonly used in factories. This P95 mask not only removes harmful viruses and particles scattered in the air, but also removes oily particles. In terms of use, the P95 mask can be used for 40 hours in 30 days.

N99 mask

Image of N99 mask as a comparison with N95 maskmade-in-china.com

Apart from the N95 and P95 masks, there is also an N99 mask with three layers. filter To be able to filter air up to 99%. These masks are priced from Rp20,000. Unfortunately, the use of N99 masks is not comfortable to wear every day due to the hard material and the tendency for the shape of the face to be inflexible.

R95 mask

Image of R95 mask as a comparison with N95 mask


There is also a type of R95 mask that can prevent contaminants with an aerosol content of up to 95%, such as combustion smoke. However, unlike N95 masks, this type of R95 mask is very rare on the market and can only be used for 8 hours.

Now, after looking at the above discussion, did you see the difference between N95 masks and surgical masks? Use the N95 mask or other mask correctly to help protect yourself more effectively. Remember to wash your hands regularly with soap and water to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Yes, always be vigilant!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/98324/perbedaan-masker-n95-dan-masker-bedah

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