
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

10 effective ways to get rid of flies at home, don

A simple trick to get rid of flies from your house

The arrival of flies at the house indicates that the house is dirty. In addition to being very annoying, roaming flies make the house look empty. To make matters worse, when flies land on food, drink and other household items, they distribute bacteria and can cause illness. It is also necessary to find ways to repel flies in order to maintain the health of the family.

In addition to cleaning the house to keep it clean and free of flies, Kania shares seven easy ways to get rid of flies at home. Natural ingredients that are easily found in the home and market can be used as a powerful way to repel flies without the need for complexity.

1. Place Pandan leaf slices

Pandan leaves are finely cutShutterstock.com

Pandan leaves can be used not only for cooking, but also as a powerful way to repel flies. The long green leaves have a scent that flies don't like. In the meantime, you can prepare some Pandan leaves, slice them into small pieces, store them in a container such as a bowl or plate, and store them in a place where flies infest.

2. Clove immersion water

Collection of wooden spoon clovesShutterstock.com

It has a very sharp and unique scent, and the scent of cloves is also very disliked by flies. To do this, you can use cloves as a way to repel flies by soaking some clove seeds in water and storing the soaked ones in an infested area.

3. Put the lavender flowers at home

Fresh and dried lavender flowers in a wooden bowl and shovelShutterstock.com

Lavender flowers are not only effective in repelling mosquitoes, but can also be used as a way to repel flies. On the other hand, the method is very simple, just put a few lavender stalks in a pot and store them in the corner of a fly-infested house. Indeed, this method of repelling flies is effective and will also improve the look of your home!

4. Apple cider vinegar as fly bait

A bowl of apple and apple cider vinegar next to the pitcherhealthline.com

An easy way to get rid of healthy flies is to feed on apple cider vinegar. Take a used mineral water bottle, cut out the middle, and pour apple cider vinegar into half of the bottle. Then close the bottle using perforated paper that can hold flies. Effectively, the apple cider vinegar invites the flies to the bottle and soaks the flies in the apple cider vinegar.

5. Light candles at home

The candle lit in the tray and jardekoruma.com

Wax is a common way to get rid of flies in restaurants and restaurants, as the heat of the candles is very effective in repelling flies and does not land on food. Therefore, you can light a candle on the dining table while dining at home.

Always be careful about how to get rid of these flies by keeping them away from combustibles. All types of wax can be used in this method of repelling flies.

6. Sprinkle salt on specific areas

Salt spills on a wooden tablescienceblog.com

Did you know that salt can be used as a way to repel flies? Simply sprinkle it on areas where flies frequently infest, such as kitchen cooking areas, around kitchen shelves, and around trash cans. In addition to repelling flies, salt can also repel ants. you know!!

7. Cucumber slices

Cucumber slicesMedicalnewstoday.com

Cucumber is not only a fresh vegetable, it is also effective in repelling flies. It's easy. Cut the cucumber into small pieces and place them where there may be flies. Guaranteed less flies in your home!

8. Water-filled plastic

Water-filled plastic to repel fliesyoutube.com

This method of repelling flies has proven to be very common and effective in food stalls! This is because water plastic can deceive flies with as many as 3,000 to 6,000 eyes. The fly's eyes may be out of focus.

Fill the plastic with enough water. Hang it in a place with many flies, such as a dining table or kitchen area. This one method is more effective when done during the day.

9. Use mothball

camphorGoogle COM

Camphor not only repels rats and cockroaches, but also has the effect of repelling flies. It smells like flies. Place the camphor in a place where flies are often seen. Proposals from Kania put camphor on the access of incoming flies, such as doors and windows. Then it's as if you deny the existence of a fly in the house and he will leave soon.

10. Spray kitchen seasoning mixed water

How to spray liquid from a bottle to repel fliesvideoblock.com

The last way to get rid of flies is to use a mixture of herbs such as cinnamon, chili powder, garlic and water.Use to blend all the ingredients in the kitchen BlenderPour water and stir until mixed. Strain the water mixture to remove any remaining ground material and place in a spray bottle. Then you just need to do a way to get rid of these flies by spraying liquid on the flies that are swarming with food.

In addition to the above methods of repelling flies, the best way is not to invite them to your house. You need to keep it clean at home on a regular basis. Yes, we provide a complete cleaning tool. If you're wondering where to buy, Dekoruma sells a complete cleaning tool!

Also, be sure to close the trash can, clean the drains, and store food in the food box. This trick maximizes the way you get rid of flies before. good luck!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/86693/cara-mengusir-lalat

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